

The star operation, bundled as a star-linear equiv #

We define starLinearEquiv, which is the star operation bundled as a star-linear map. It is defined on a star algebra A over the base ring R.

This file also provides some lemmas that need Algebra.Module.Basic imported to prove.


theorem star_natCast_smul {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] [StarAddMonoid M] (n : ) (x : M) :
star (n x) = n star x
@[deprecated star_natCast_smul]
theorem star_nat_cast_smul {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [Semiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] [StarAddMonoid M] (n : ) (x : M) :
star (n x) = n star x

Alias of star_natCast_smul.

theorem star_intCast_smul {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [Ring R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] [StarAddMonoid M] (n : ) (x : M) :
star (n x) = n star x
@[deprecated star_intCast_smul]
theorem star_int_cast_smul {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [Ring R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] [StarAddMonoid M] (n : ) (x : M) :
star (n x) = n star x

Alias of star_intCast_smul.

theorem star_inv_natCast_smul {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [DivisionSemiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] [StarAddMonoid M] (n : ) (x : M) :
star ((↑n)⁻¹ x) = (↑n)⁻¹ star x
@[deprecated star_inv_natCast_smul]
theorem star_inv_nat_cast_smul {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [DivisionSemiring R] [AddCommMonoid M] [Module R M] [StarAddMonoid M] (n : ) (x : M) :
star ((↑n)⁻¹ x) = (↑n)⁻¹ star x

Alias of star_inv_natCast_smul.

theorem star_inv_intCast_smul {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [DivisionRing R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] [StarAddMonoid M] (n : ) (x : M) :
star ((↑n)⁻¹ x) = (↑n)⁻¹ star x
@[deprecated star_inv_intCast_smul]
theorem star_inv_int_cast_smul {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [DivisionRing R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] [StarAddMonoid M] (n : ) (x : M) :
star ((↑n)⁻¹ x) = (↑n)⁻¹ star x

Alias of star_inv_intCast_smul.

theorem star_ratCast_smul {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [DivisionRing R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] [StarAddMonoid M] (n : ) (x : M) :
star (n x) = n star x
@[deprecated star_ratCast_smul]
theorem star_rat_cast_smul {R : Type u_1} {M : Type u_2} [DivisionRing R] [AddCommGroup M] [Module R M] [StarAddMonoid M] (n : ) (x : M) :
star (n x) = n star x

Alias of star_ratCast_smul.

Per the naming convention, these two lemmas call (q • ·) nnrat_smul and rat_smul respectively, rather than nnqsmul and qsmul because the latter are reserved to the actions coming from DivisionSemiring and DivisionRing. We provide aliases with nnqsmul and qsmul for discoverability.

theorem star_nnrat_smul {R : Type u_1} [AddCommMonoid R] [StarAddMonoid R] [Module ℚ≥0 R] (q : ℚ≥0) (x : R) :
star (q x) = q star x

Note that this lemma holds for an arbitrary ℚ≥0-action, rather than merely one coming from a DivisionSemiring. We keep both the nnqsmul and nnrat_smul naming conventions for discoverability. See star_nnqsmul.

theorem star_rat_smul {R : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup R] [StarAddMonoid R] [Module R] (q : ) (x : R) :
star (q x) = q star x

Note that this lemma holds for an arbitrary -action, rather than merely one coming from a DivisionRing. We keep both the qsmul and rat_smul naming conventions for discoverability. See star_qsmul.

theorem star_nnqsmul {R : Type u_1} [AddCommMonoid R] [StarAddMonoid R] [Module ℚ≥0 R] (q : ℚ≥0) (x : R) :
star (q x) = q star x

Note that this lemma holds for an arbitrary ℚ≥0-action, rather than merely one coming from a DivisionSemiring. We keep both the nnqsmul and nnrat_smul naming conventions for discoverability. See star_nnrat_smul.

theorem star_qsmul {R : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup R] [StarAddMonoid R] [Module R] (q : ) (x : R) :
star (q x) = q star x

Note that this lemma holds for an arbitrary -action, rather than merely one coming from a DivisionRing. We keep both the qsmul and rat_smul naming conventions for discoverability. See star_rat_smul.

  • =
theorem starLinearEquiv_symm_apply (R : Type u_1) {A : Type u_2} [CommSemiring R] [StarRing R] [AddCommMonoid A] [StarAddMonoid A] [Module R A] [StarModule R A] :
∀ (a : A), (starLinearEquiv R).symm a = starAddEquiv.invFun a
theorem starLinearEquiv_apply (R : Type u_1) {A : Type u_2} [CommSemiring R] [StarRing R] [AddCommMonoid A] [StarAddMonoid A] [Module R A] [StarModule R A] :
∀ (a : A), (starLinearEquiv R) a = star a
def starLinearEquiv (R : Type u_1) {A : Type u_2} [CommSemiring R] [StarRing R] [AddCommMonoid A] [StarAddMonoid A] [Module R A] [StarModule R A] :

If A is a module over a commutative R with compatible actions, then star is a semilinear equivalence.

  • starLinearEquiv R = { toFun := star, map_add' := , map_smul' := , invFun := starAddEquiv.invFun, left_inv := , right_inv := }
Instances For
    def selfAdjoint.submodule (R : Type u_1) (A : Type u_2) [Semiring R] [StarMul R] [TrivialStar R] [AddCommGroup A] [Module R A] [StarAddMonoid A] [StarModule R A] :

    The self-adjoint elements of a star module, as a submodule.

    Instances For
      def skewAdjoint.submodule (R : Type u_1) (A : Type u_2) [Semiring R] [StarMul R] [TrivialStar R] [AddCommGroup A] [Module R A] [StarAddMonoid A] [StarModule R A] :

      The skew-adjoint elements of a star module, as a submodule.

      Instances For
        theorem selfAdjointPart_apply_coe (R : Type u_1) {A : Type u_2} [Semiring R] [StarMul R] [TrivialStar R] [AddCommGroup A] [Module R A] [StarAddMonoid A] [StarModule R A] [Invertible 2] (x : A) :
        ((selfAdjointPart R) x) = 2 (x + star x)
        def selfAdjointPart (R : Type u_1) {A : Type u_2} [Semiring R] [StarMul R] [TrivialStar R] [AddCommGroup A] [Module R A] [StarAddMonoid A] [StarModule R A] [Invertible 2] :

        The self-adjoint part of an element of a star module, as a linear map.

        Instances For
          theorem skewAdjointPart_apply_coe (R : Type u_1) {A : Type u_2} [Semiring R] [StarMul R] [TrivialStar R] [AddCommGroup A] [Module R A] [StarAddMonoid A] [StarModule R A] [Invertible 2] (x : A) :
          ((skewAdjointPart R) x) = 2 (x - star x)
          def skewAdjointPart (R : Type u_1) {A : Type u_2} [Semiring R] [StarMul R] [TrivialStar R] [AddCommGroup A] [Module R A] [StarAddMonoid A] [StarModule R A] [Invertible 2] :

          The skew-adjoint part of an element of a star module, as a linear map.

          Instances For
            theorem IsSelfAdjoint.coe_selfAdjointPart_apply (R : Type u_1) {A : Type u_2} [Semiring R] [StarMul R] [TrivialStar R] [AddCommGroup A] [Module R A] [StarAddMonoid A] [StarModule R A] [Invertible 2] {x : A} (hx : IsSelfAdjoint x) :
            ((selfAdjointPart R) x) = x
            theorem IsSelfAdjoint.selfAdjointPart_apply (R : Type u_1) {A : Type u_2} [Semiring R] [StarMul R] [TrivialStar R] [AddCommGroup A] [Module R A] [StarAddMonoid A] [StarModule R A] [Invertible 2] {x : A} (hx : IsSelfAdjoint x) :
            (selfAdjointPart R) x = x, hx
            theorem selfAdjointPart_comp_subtype_selfAdjoint (R : Type u_1) {A : Type u_2} [Semiring R] [StarMul R] [TrivialStar R] [AddCommGroup A] [Module R A] [StarAddMonoid A] [StarModule R A] [Invertible 2] :
            selfAdjointPart R ∘ₗ (selfAdjoint.submodule R A).subtype =
            theorem skewAdjointPart_comp_subtype_skewAdjoint (R : Type u_1) {A : Type u_2} [Semiring R] [StarMul R] [TrivialStar R] [AddCommGroup A] [Module R A] [StarAddMonoid A] [StarModule R A] [Invertible 2] :
            skewAdjointPart R ∘ₗ (skewAdjoint.submodule R A).subtype =
            theorem StarModule.decomposeProdAdjoint_symm_apply (R : Type u_1) (A : Type u_2) [Semiring R] [StarMul R] [TrivialStar R] [AddCommGroup A] [Module R A] [StarAddMonoid A] [StarModule R A] [Invertible 2] (a : (selfAdjoint A) × (skewAdjoint A)) :
            (StarModule.decomposeProdAdjoint R A).symm a = (selfAdjoint.submodule R A).subtype a.1 + (skewAdjoint.submodule R A).subtype a.2

            The decomposition of elements of a star module into their self- and skew-adjoint parts, as a linear equivalence.

            Instances For
              theorem algebraMap_star_comm {R : Type u_1} {A : Type u_2} [CommSemiring R] [StarRing R] [Semiring A] [StarMul A] [Algebra R A] [StarModule R A] (r : R) :
              (algebraMap R A) (star r) = star ((algebraMap R A) r)
              theorem IsSelfAdjoint.algebraMap {R : Type u_1} (A : Type u_2) [CommSemiring R] [StarRing R] [Semiring A] [StarMul A] [Algebra R A] [StarModule R A] {r : R} (hr : IsSelfAdjoint r) :