Basic definitions about ≤
and <
This file proves basic results about orders, provides extensive dot notation, defines useful order classes and allows to transfer order instances.
Type synonyms #
OrderDual α
: A type synonym reversing the meaning of all inequalities, with notationαᵒᵈ
.AsLinearOrder α
: A type synonym to promotePartialOrder α
toLinearOrder α
usingIsTotal α (≤)
Transferring orders #
: Transfers a (pre)order onβ
to an order onα
using a functionf : α → β
: Transfers a partial (resp., linear) order onβ
to a partial (resp., linear) order onα
using an injective functionf
Extra class #
: An order with no gap, i.e. for any two elementsa < b
there existsc
such thata < c < b
Notes #
and <
are highly favored over ≥
and >
in mathlib. The reason is that we can formulate all
lemmas using ≤
, and rw
has trouble unifying ≤
and ≥
. Hence choosing one direction spares
us useless duplication. This is enforced by a linter. See Note [nolint_ge] for more infos.
Dot notation is particularly useful on ≤
) and <
). To that end, we
provide many aliases to dot notation-less lemmas. For example, le_trans
is aliased with
and can be used to construct hab.trans hbc : a ≤ c
when hab : a ≤ b
hbc : b ≤ c
, lt_of_le_of_lt
is aliased as LE.le.trans_lt
and can be used to construct
hab.trans hbc : a < c
when hab : a ≤ b
, hbc : b < c
- expand module docs
- automatic construction of dual definitions / theorems
Tags #
preorder, order, partial order, poset, linear order, chain
Alias of lt_of_le_of_lt
Alias of lt_of_le_of_lt'
Alias of le_antisymm
Alias of ge_antisymm
Alias of lt_of_le_of_ne
Alias of lt_of_le_of_ne'
Alias of lt_of_le_not_le
Alias of lt_or_eq_of_le
Alias of Decidable.lt_or_eq_of_le
Alias of lt_of_lt_of_le
Alias of lt_of_lt_of_le'
Alias of le_of_le_of_eq
Alias of le_of_le_of_eq'
Alias of lt_of_lt_of_eq
Alias of lt_of_lt_of_eq'
Alias of le_of_eq_of_le
Alias of le_of_eq_of_le'
Alias of lt_of_eq_of_lt
Alias of lt_of_eq_of_lt'
Alias of eq_iff_not_lt_of_le
Alias of Decidable.eq_or_lt_of_le
Alias of eq_or_lt_of_le
Alias of eq_or_gt_of_le
Alias of gt_or_eq_of_le
Alias of eq_of_le_of_not_lt
Alias of eq_of_ge_of_not_gt
A version of ne_iff_lt_or_gt
with LHS and RHS reversed.
A symmetric relation implies two values are equal, when it implies they're less-equal.
To prove commutativity of a binary operation ○
, we only to check a ○ b ≤ b ○ a
for all a
To prove associativity of a commutative binary operation ○
, we only to check
(a ○ b) ○ c ≤ a ○ (b ○ c)
for all a
, b
, c
Given a relation R
on β
and a function f : α → β
, the preimage relation on α
is defined
by x ≤ y ↔ f x ≤ f y
. It is the unique relation on α
making f
a RelEmbedding
(assuming f
is injective).
Given a relation R
on β
and a function f : α → β
, the preimage relation on α
is defined
by x ≤ y ↔ f x ≤ f y
. It is the unique relation on α
making f
a RelEmbedding
(assuming f
is injective).
- «term_⁻¹'o_» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `«term_⁻¹'o_» 80 80 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol " ⁻¹'o ") ( `term 81))
The preimage of a decidable order is decidable.
- Order.Preimage.decidable f s x✝ x = H (f x✝) (f x)
Perform a case-split on the ordering of x
and y
in a decidable linear order,
Order dual #
Type synonym to equip a type with the dual order: ≤
means ≥
and <
means >
. αᵒᵈ
notation for OrderDual α
Instances For
- ComplementedLattice.instOrderDual
- EReal.instLinearOrderedAddCommMonoidWithTopOrderDual
- OrderDual.OrderedCancelAddCommMonoid.to_mulLeftReflectLE
- OrderDual.OrderedCancelCommMonoid.to_mulLeftReflectLE
- OrderDual.addLeftMono
- OrderDual.addLeftReflectLE
- OrderDual.addLeftReflectLT
- OrderDual.addLeftStrictMono
- OrderDual.addRightMono
- OrderDual.addRightReflectLE
- OrderDual.addRightReflectLT
- OrderDual.addRightStrictMono
- OrderDual.borelSpace
- OrderDual.btw
- OrderDual.circularPartialOrder
- OrderDual.circularPreorder
- OrderDual.continuousConstSMul'
- OrderDual.continuousConstVAdd'
- OrderDual.continuousInf
- OrderDual.continuousSup
- OrderDual.denselyOrdered
- OrderDual.finite
- OrderDual.fintype
- OrderDual.infConvergenceClass
- OrderDual.infSet
- OrderDual.instAddArchimedean
- OrderDual.instAddCancelCommMonoid
- OrderDual.instAddCommGroupWithOne
- OrderDual.instAddCommMonoid
- OrderDual.instAddGroup
- OrderDual.instAddGroupWithOne
- OrderDual.instBiheytingAlgebra
- OrderDual.instBooleanAlgebra
- OrderDual.instBornology
- OrderDual.instBot
- OrderDual.instBoundedOrder
- OrderDual.instCancelCommMonoid
- OrderDual.instCircularOrder
- OrderDual.instCoframe
- OrderDual.instCoheytingAlgebra
- OrderDual.instCommMonoid
- OrderDual.instCompleteAtomicBooleanAlgebra
- OrderDual.instCompleteBooleanAlgebra
- OrderDual.instCompleteDistribLattice
- OrderDual.instCompleteLattice
- OrderDual.instCompleteLinearOrder
- OrderDual.instCompletelyDistribLattice
- OrderDual.instConditionallyCompleteLattice
- OrderDual.instConditionallyCompleteLinearOrder
- OrderDual.instDiscreteTopology
- OrderDual.instDistribLattice
- OrderDual.instDistribMulAction
- OrderDual.instDistribMulAction'
- OrderDual.instDistribSMul
- OrderDual.instDistribSMul'
- OrderDual.instDivisionRing
- OrderDual.instDivisionSemiring
- OrderDual.instField
- OrderDual.instFrame
- OrderDual.instGeneralizedCoheytingAlgebra
- OrderDual.instGeneralizedHeytingAlgebra
- OrderDual.instGroup
- OrderDual.instHeytingAlgebra
- OrderDual.instInf
- OrderDual.instInhabited
- OrderDual.instIntCast
- OrderDual.instIsAtomic
- OrderDual.instIsAtomistic
- OrderDual.instIsCoatomic
- OrderDual.instIsCoatomistic
- OrderDual.instIsOrderBornology
- OrderDual.instIsSimpleOrder
- OrderDual.instIsStronglyCoatomic
- OrderDual.instLE
- OrderDual.instLT
- OrderDual.instLattice
- OrderDual.instLinearOrder
- OrderDual.instLocallyFiniteOrder
- OrderDual.instLocallyFiniteOrderBot
- OrderDual.instLocallyFiniteOrderTop
- OrderDual.instMeasurableInf
- OrderDual.instMeasurableInf₂
- OrderDual.instMeasurableSup
- OrderDual.instMeasurableSup₂
- OrderDual.instModule
- OrderDual.instModule'
- OrderDual.instMulActionWithZero
- OrderDual.instMulActionWithZero'
- OrderDual.instMulArchimedean
- OrderDual.instNonempty
- OrderDual.instNontrivial
- OrderDual.instNormedLatticeAddCommGroup
- OrderDual.instOrderBot
- OrderDual.instOrderTop
- OrderDual.instOrderedSMul
- OrderDual.instPartialOrder
- OrderDual.instPosSMulMono
- OrderDual.instPosSMulReflectLE
- OrderDual.instPosSMulReflectLT
- OrderDual.instPosSMulStrictMono
- OrderDual.instPow
- OrderDual.instPow'
- OrderDual.instPreorder
- OrderDual.instRatCast
- OrderDual.instSMul
- OrderDual.instSMul'
- OrderDual.instSMulPosMono
- OrderDual.instSMulPosReflectLE
- OrderDual.instSMulPosReflectLT
- OrderDual.instSMulPosStrictMono
- OrderDual.instSMulWithZero
- OrderDual.instSMulWithZero'
- OrderDual.instSemifield
- OrderDual.instSemilatticeInf
- OrderDual.instSemilatticeSup
- OrderDual.instSubsingleton
- OrderDual.instSup
- OrderDual.instTop
- OrderDual.instTopologicalSpace
- OrderDual.instVAdd
- OrderDual.instVAdd'
- OrderDual.isDirected_ge
- OrderDual.isDirected_le
- OrderDual.isTotal_le
- OrderDual.linearOrderedAddCancelCommMonoid
- OrderDual.linearOrderedAddCommGroup
- OrderDual.linearOrderedAddCommMonoid
- OrderDual.linearOrderedCancelCommMonoid
- OrderDual.linearOrderedCommGroup
- OrderDual.linearOrderedCommMonoid
- OrderDual.mulLeftMono
- OrderDual.mulLeftReflectLE
- OrderDual.mulLeftReflectLT
- OrderDual.mulLeftStrictMono
- OrderDual.mulRightMono
- OrderDual.mulRightReflectLE
- OrderDual.mulRightReflectLT
- OrderDual.mulRightStrictMono
- OrderDual.noBotOrder
- OrderDual.noMaxOrder
- OrderDual.noMinOrder
- OrderDual.noTopOrder
- OrderDual.normedAddCommGroup
- OrderDual.normedAddGroup
- OrderDual.normedCommGroup
- OrderDual.normedGroup
- OrderDual.normedLinearOrderedAddGroup
- OrderDual.normedLinearOrderedGroup
- OrderDual.normedOrderedAddGroup
- OrderDual.normedOrderedGroup
- OrderDual.opensMeasurableSpace
- OrderDual.orderedAddCancelCommMonoid
- OrderDual.orderedAddCommGroup
- OrderDual.orderedAddCommMonoid
- OrderDual.orderedCancelCommMonoid
- OrderDual.orderedCommGroup
- OrderDual.orderedCommMonoid
- OrderDual.sbtw
- OrderDual.seminormedAddCommGroup
- OrderDual.seminormedAddGroup
- OrderDual.seminormedCommGroup
- OrderDual.seminormedGroup
- OrderDual.subtractionCommMonoid
- OrderDual.supConvergenceClass
- OrderDual.supSet
- OrderDual.toNNNorm
- OrderDual.toNorm
- OrderDual.topologicalLattice
- instAddCancelMonoidOrderDual
- instAddCommGroupOrderDual
- instAddCommSemigroupOrderDual
- instAddLeftCancelMonoidOrderDual
- instAddLeftCancelSemigroupOrderDual
- instAddMonoidOrderDual
- instAddOrderDual
- instAddRightCancelMonoidOrderDual
- instAddRightCancelSemigroupOrderDual
- instAddSemigroupOrderDual
- instAddZeroClassOrderDual
- instBornologyOrderDual
- instBoundedGENhdsClassOrderDual
- instBoundedLENhdsClassOrderDual
- instBoundedSpaceOrderDual
- instCancelCommMonoidWithZeroOrderDual
- instCancelMonoidOrderDual
- instCancelMonoidWithZeroOrderDual
- instClosedIciTopologyOrderDual
- instClosedIicTopologyOrderDual
- instCommGroupOrderDual
- instCommGroupWithZeroOrderDual
- instCommMonoidWithZeroOrderDual
- instCommRingOrderDual
- instCommSemigroupOrderDual
- instCommSemiringOrderDual
- instCompactIccSpaceOrderDual
- instContinuousAddOrderDual
- instContinuousConstSMulOrderDual
- instContinuousConstVAddOrderDual
- instContinuousMulOrderDual
- instDistOrderDual
- instDistribOrderDual
- instDivInvMonoidOrderDual
- instDivOrderDual
- instDivisionCommMonoidOrderDual
- instDivisionMonoidOrderDual
- instEDistOrderDual
- instEMetricSpaceOrderDual
- instFirstCountableTopologyOrderDual
- instGroupWithZeroOrderDual
- instHasDistribNegOrderDual
- instInvOrderDual
- instInvolutiveInvOrderDual
- instInvolutiveNegOrderDual
- instIsAddCancelOrderDual
- instIsAddLeftCancelOrderDual
- instIsAddRightCancelOrderDual
- instIsCancelMulOrderDual
- instIsDomainOrderDual
- instIsLeftCancelMulOrderDual
- instIsLowerModularLatticeOrderDual
- instIsModularLatticeOrderDual
- instIsPredArchimedeanOrderDual
- instIsRightCancelMulOrderDual
- instIsStronglyAtomicOrderDualOfIsStronglyCoatomic
- instIsSuccArchimedeanOrderDual
- instIsUpperModularLatticeOrderDual
- instIsWeakLowerModularLatticeOrderDual
- instIsWeakUpperModularLatticeOrderDual
- instLeftCancelMonoidOrderDual
- instLeftCancelSemigroupOrderDual
- instLeftDistribClassOrderDual
- instLipschitzAddOrderDual
- instLipschitzMulOrderDual
- instMeasurableSpaceOrderDual
- instMetricSpaceOrderDual
- instMetricSpaceOrderDual_1
- instMonoidOrderDual
- instMonoidWithZeroOrderDual
- instMulOneClassOrderDual
- instMulOrderDual
- instMulZeroClassOrderDual
- instMulZeroOneClassOrderDual
- instNegOrderDual
- instNoZeroDivisorsOrderDual
- instNonAssocRingOrderDual
- instNonAssocSemiringOrderDual
- instNonUnitalCommRingOrderDual
- instNonUnitalCommSemiringOrderDual
- instNonUnitalNonAssocRingOrderDual
- instNonUnitalNonAssocSemiringOrderDual
- instNonUnitalRingOrderDual
- instNonUnitalSemiringOrderDual
- instOneOrderDual
- instOrderClosedTopologyOrderDual
- instOrderTopologyOrderDual
- instPredOrderOrderDualOfSuccOrder
- instProperSpaceOrderDual
- instPseudoEMetricSpaceOrderDual
- instPseudoMetricSpaceOrderDual
- instPseudoMetricSpaceOrderDual_1
- instRightCancelMonoidOrderDual
- instRightCancelSemigroupOrderDual
- instRightDistribClassOrderDual
- instRingOrderDual
- instSecondCountableTopologyOrderDual
- instSemigroupOrderDual
- instSemigroupWithZeroOrderDual
- instSemiringOrderDual
- instSubNegAddMonoidOrderDual
- instSubOrderDual
- instSubtractionMonoidOrderDual
- instSuccOrderOrderDualOfPredOrder
- instWellFoundedGTOrderDualOfWellFoundedLT
- instWellFoundedLTOrderDualOfWellFoundedGT
- instZeroOrderDual
Type synonym to equip a type with the dual order: ≤
means ≥
and <
means >
. αᵒᵈ
notation for OrderDual α
- «term_ᵒᵈ» = Lean.ParserDescr.trailingNode `«term_ᵒᵈ» 1024 0 (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "ᵒᵈ")
- ⋯ = h
- OrderDual.instLE α = { le := fun (x y : α) => y ≤ x }
- OrderDual.instLT α = { lt := fun (x y : α) => y < x }
- OrderDual.instSup α = { max := fun (x1 x2 : α) => x1 ⊓ x2 }
- OrderDual.instInf α = { min := fun (x1 x2 : α) => x1 ⊔ x2 }
- OrderDual.instPreorder α = ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
- OrderDual.instLinearOrder α = ⋯ inferInstance decidableEqOfDecidableLE inferInstance ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
The opposite linear order to a given linear order
Order instances on the function space #
- Pi.preorder = ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
- Pi.partialOrder = ⋯
Alias of le_of_strongLT
Alias of lt_of_strongLT
Alias of strongLT_of_strongLT_of_le
Alias of strongLT_of_le_of_strongLT
recursors #
Lifts of order instances #
Transfer a Preorder
on β
to a Preorder
on α
using a function f : α → β
See note [reducible non-instances].
- Preorder.lift f = ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Transfer a PartialOrder
on β
to a PartialOrder
on α
using an injective
function f : α → β
. See note [reducible non-instances].
- PartialOrder.lift f inj = ⋯
Transfer a LinearOrder
on β
to a LinearOrder
on α
using an injective
function f : α → β
. This version takes [Max α]
and [Min α]
as arguments, then uses
them for max
and min
fields. See LinearOrder.lift'
for a version that autogenerates min
fields, and LinearOrder.liftWithOrd
for one that does not auto-generate compare
fields. See note [reducible non-instances].
- LinearOrder.lift f inj hsup hinf = ⋯ (fun (x y : α) => inferInstance) (fun (x y : α) => decidable_of_iff (f x = f y) ⋯) (fun (x y : α) => inferInstance) ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Transfer a LinearOrder
on β
to a LinearOrder
on α
using an injective
function f : α → β
. This version autogenerates min
and max
fields. See LinearOrder.lift
for a version that takes [Max α]
and [Min α]
, then uses them as max
and min
. See
for a version which does not auto-generate compare
See note [reducible non-instances].
- LinearOrder.lift' f inj = LinearOrder.lift f inj ⋯ ⋯
Transfer a LinearOrder
on β
to a LinearOrder
on α
using an injective
function f : α → β
. This version takes [Max α]
and [Min α]
as arguments, then uses
them for max
and min
fields. It also takes [Ord α]
as an argument and uses them for compare
fields. See LinearOrder.lift
for a version that autogenerates compare
fields, and
for one that auto-generates min
and max
fields. See note [reducible non-instances].
- LinearOrder.liftWithOrd f inj hsup hinf compare_f = ⋯ (fun (x y : α) => inferInstance) (fun (x y : α) => decidable_of_iff (f x = f y) ⋯) (fun (x y : α) => inferInstance) ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Transfer a LinearOrder
on β
to a LinearOrder
on α
using an injective
function f : α → β
. This version auto-generates min
and max
fields. It also takes [Ord α]
as an argument and uses them for compare
fields. See LinearOrder.lift
for a version that
autogenerates compare
fields, and LinearOrder.liftWithOrd
for one that doesn't auto-generate
and max
fields. fields. See note [reducible non-instances].
- LinearOrder.liftWithOrd' f inj compare_f = LinearOrder.liftWithOrd f inj ⋯ ⋯ compare_f
Subtype of an order #
Alias of the reverse direction of Subtype.coe_le_coe
Alias of the reverse direction of Subtype.coe_lt_coe
- Subtype.preorder p = Preorder.lift fun (a : Subtype p) => ↑a
- Subtype.partialOrder p = PartialOrder.lift (fun (a : Subtype p) => ↑a) ⋯
- a.decidableLE b = h ↑a ↑b
- a.decidableLT b = h ↑a ↑b
A subtype of a linear order is a linear order. We explicitly give the proofs of decidable equality and decidable order in order to ensure the decidability instances are all definitionally equal.
- Subtype.instLinearOrder p = LinearOrder.lift (fun (a : Subtype p) => ↑a) ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Pointwise order on α × β
The lexicographic order is defined in Data.Prod.Lex
, and the instances are available via the
type synonym α ×ₗ β = α × β
- Prod.instPreorder α β = ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
The pointwise partial order on a product.
(The lexicographic ordering is defined in Order.Lexicographic
, and the instances are
available via the type synonym α ×ₗ β = α × β
Additional order classes #
An order is dense if there is an element between any pair of distinct comparable elements.
An order is dense if there is an element between any pair of distinct elements.
- ENNReal.instDenselyOrdered
- LinearOrderedSemiField.toDenselyOrdered
- NNReal.instDenselyOrdered
- Nonneg.instDenselyOrdered
- NormedField.denselyOrdered_range_nnnorm
- NormedField.denselyOrdered_range_norm
- OrderDual.denselyOrdered
- PUnit.instDenselyOrdered
- Pi.instDenselyOrderedLexForall
- Prod.Lex.instDenselyOrderedLex
- Set.instDenselyOrdered
- Sum.Lex.denselyOrdered_of_noMaxOrder
- Sum.Lex.denselyOrdered_of_noMinOrder
- Sum.denselyOrdered
- WithBot.denselyOrdered
- WithTop.instDenselyOrderedOfNoMaxOrder
- instDenselyOrderedEReal
- instDenselyOrderedForall
- instDenselyOrderedProd
- ⋯ = ⋯
Any ordered subsingleton is densely ordered. Not an instance to avoid a heavy subsingleton typeclass search.
- ⋯ = ⋯
- ⋯ = ⋯
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Linear order from a total partial order #
Type synonym to create an instance of LinearOrder
from a PartialOrder
and IsTotal α (≤)
- AsLinearOrder α = α
Instances For
- instInhabitedAsLinearOrder = { default := default }
- AsLinearOrder.linearOrder = ⋯ (Classical.decRel fun (x1 x2 : AsLinearOrder α) => x1 ≤ x2) decidableEqOfDecidableLE decidableLTOfDecidableLE ⋯ ⋯ ⋯