More operations on fractional ideals #
Main definitions #
is the pushforward of a fractional ideal along an algebra morphism
Let K
be the localization of R
at R⁰ = R \ {0}
(i.e. the field of fractions).
FractionalIdeal R⁰ K
is the type of fractional ideals in the field of fractionsDiv (FractionalIdeal R⁰ K)
instance: the ideal quotientI / J
(typically written , but a:
operator cannot be defined)
Main statement #
states that every fractional ideal of a noetherian integral domain is noetherian
References #
Tags #
fractional ideal, fractional ideals, invertible ideal g
is the pushforward of the fractional ideal I
along the algebra morphism g
- g I = ⟨ g.toLinearMap ↑I, ⋯⟩
Instances For
If g
is an equivalence, map g
is an isomorphism
- FractionalIdeal.mapEquiv g = { toFun := ↑g, invFun := ↑g.symm, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯, map_add' := ⋯ }
Instances For
canonicalEquiv f f'
is the canonical equivalence between the fractional
ideals in P
and in P'
, which are both localizations of R
at S
Instances For
section #
This section concerns fractional ideals in the field of fractions,
i.e. the type FractionalIdeal R⁰ K
where IsFractionRing R K
Nonzero fractional ideals contain a nonzero integer.
section #
This section defines the ideal quotient of fractional ideals.
In this section we need that each non-zero y : R
has an inverse in
the localization, i.e. that the localization is a field. We satisfy this
assumption by taking S = nonZeroDivisors R
, R
's localization at which
is a field because R
is a domain.
- ⋯ = ⋯
- FractionalIdeal.instDivNonZeroDivisors = { div := fun (I J : FractionalIdeal (nonZeroDivisors R₁) K) => if h : J = 0 then 0 else ⟨↑I / ↑J, ⋯⟩ }
FractionalIdeal.span_finset R₁ s f
is the fractional ideal of R₁
generated by f '' s
- FractionalIdeal.spanFinset R₁ s f = ⟨Submodule.span R₁ (f '' ↑s), ⋯⟩
Instances For
spanSingleton x
is the fractional ideal generated by x
if 0 ∉ S
Instances For
A version of FractionalIdeal.den_mul_self_eq_num
in terms of fractional ideals.
If I
is a nonzero fractional ideal, a ∈ R
, and J
is an ideal of R
such that
I = a⁻¹J
, then J
is nonzero.
If I
is a nonzero fractional ideal, a ∈ R
, and J
is an ideal of R
such that
I = a⁻¹J
, then a
is nonzero.
- ⋯ = ⋯
Every fractional ideal of a noetherian integral domain is noetherian.
is a fractional ideal for every integral x
FractionalIdeal.adjoinIntegral (S : Submonoid R) x hx
is R[x]
as a fractional ideal,
where hx
is a proof that x : P
is integral over R
- FractionalIdeal.adjoinIntegral S x hx = ⟨Subalgebra.toSubmodule (Algebra.adjoin R {x}), ⋯⟩