Class #
Testable propositions have a procedure that can generate counter-examples together with a proof that they invalidate the proposition.
This is a port of the Haskell QuickCheck library.
Creating Customized Instances #
The type classes Testable
, SampleableExt
and Shrinkable
are the
means by which Plausible
creates samples and tests them. For instance,
the proposition ∀ i j : Nat, i ≤ j
has a Testable
instance because Nat
is sampleable and i ≤ j
is decidable. Once Plausible
finds the Testable
instance, it can start using the instance to repeatedly creating samples
and checking whether they satisfy the property. Once it has found a
counter-example it will then use a Shrinkable
instance to reduce the
example. This allows the user to create new instances and apply
to new situations.
What do I do if I'm testing a property about my newly defined type? #
Let us consider a type made for a new formalization:
structure MyType where
x : Nat
y : Nat
h : x ≤ y
deriving Repr
How do we test a property about MyType
? For instance, let us consider
Testable.check <| ∀ a b : MyType, a.y ≤ b.x → a.x ≤ b.y
. Writing this
property as is will give us an error because we do not have an instance
of Shrinkable MyType
and SampleableExt MyType
. We can define one as follows:
instance : Shrinkable MyType where
shrink := fun ⟨x, y, _⟩ =>
let proxy := Shrinkable.shrink (x, y - x)
proxy.map (fun (fst, snd) => ⟨fst, fst + snd, by omega⟩)
instance : SampleableExt MyType :=
SampleableExt.mkSelfContained do
let x ← SampleableExt.interpSample Nat
let xyDiff ← SampleableExt.interpSample Nat
return ⟨x, x + xyDiff, by omega⟩
Again, we take advantage of the fact that other types have useful
implementations, in this case Prod
Main definitions #
: a way to test a proposition using random examples
References #
Result of trying to disprove p
- success: {p : Prop} → Unit ⊕' p → Plausible.TestResult p
Succeed when we find another example satisfying
. Insuccess h
is an optional proof of the proposition. Without the proof, all we know is that we found one example wherep
holds. With a proof, the one test was sufficient to prove thatp
holds and we do not need to keep finding examples. - gaveUp: {p : Prop} → Nat → Plausible.TestResult p
Give up when a well-formed example cannot be generated.
gaveUp n
tells us thatn
invalid examples were tried. - failure: {p : Prop} → ¬p → List String → Nat → Plausible.TestResult p
A counter-example to
; the strings specify values for the relevant variables.failure h vs n
also carries a proof thatp
does not hold. This way, we can guarantee that there will be no false positive. The last component,n
, is the number of times that the counter-example was shrunk.
- Plausible.instInhabitedTestResult = { default := Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp default }
Configuration for testing a property.
- numInst : Nat
How many test instances to generate.
- maxSize : Nat
The maximum size of the values to generate.
- numRetries : Nat
- traceDiscarded : Bool
Enable tracing of values that didn't fulfill preconditions and were thus discarded.
- traceSuccesses : Bool
Enable tracing of values that fulfilled the property and were thus discarded.
- traceShrink : Bool
Enable basic tracing of shrinking.
- traceShrinkCandidates : Bool
Enable tracing of all attempted values during shrinking.
Hard code the seed to use for the RNG
- quiet : Bool
Disable output.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Allow elaboration of Configuration
arguments to tactics.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
PrintableProp p
allows one to print a proposition so that
can indicate how values relate to each other.
It's basically a poor man's delaborator.
- printProp : String
- Plausible.And.printableProp
- Plausible.Bool.printableProp
- Plausible.Eq.printableProp
- Plausible.False.printableProp
- Plausible.Iff.printableProp
- Plausible.Imp.printableProp
- Plausible.LE.printableProp
- Plausible.LT.printableProp
- Plausible.Ne.printableProp
- Plausible.Not.printableProp
- Plausible.Or.printableProp
- Plausible.True.printableProp
- Plausible.instPrintableProp
- Plausible.instPrintableProp = { printProp := "⋯" }
Testable p
uses random examples to try to disprove p
- run : Plausible.Configuration → Bool → Plausible.Gen (Plausible.TestResult p)
- Plausible.Testable.andTestable
- Plausible.Testable.decGuardTestable
- Plausible.Testable.decidableTestable
- Plausible.Testable.forallTypesTestable
- Plausible.Testable.forallTypesULiftTestable
- Plausible.Testable.iffTestable
- Plausible.Testable.orTestable
- Plausible.Testable.propVarTestable
- Plausible.Testable.subtypeVarTestable
- Plausible.Testable.unusedVarTestable
- Plausible.Testable.varTestable
- Plausible.NamedBinder _n p = p
- (Plausible.TestResult.success (PSum.inl val)).toString = "success (no proof)"
- (Plausible.TestResult.success (PSum.inr val)).toString = "success (proof)"
- (Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp n).toString = toString "gave " ++ toString n ++ toString " times"
- (Plausible.TestResult.failure a counters a_1).toString = toString "failed " ++ toString counters ++ toString ""
- Plausible.TestResult.instToString = { toString := Plausible.TestResult.toString }
Combine the test result for properties p
and q
to create a test for their conjunction.
- (Plausible.TestResult.failure h xs n).and x = Plausible.TestResult.failure ⋯ xs n
- x.and (Plausible.TestResult.failure h xs n) = Plausible.TestResult.failure ⋯ xs n
- (Plausible.TestResult.success h1).and (Plausible.TestResult.success h2) = Plausible.TestResult.success (Plausible.TestResult.combine (Plausible.TestResult.combine (PSum.inr ⋯) h1) h2)
- (Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp n).and (Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp m) = Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp (n + m)
- (Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp n).and x = Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp n
- x.and (Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp n) = Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp n
Combine the test result for properties p
and q
to create a test for their disjunction.
- (Plausible.TestResult.failure h1 xs n).or (Plausible.TestResult.failure h2 ys m) = Plausible.TestResult.failure ⋯ (xs ++ ys) (n + m)
- (Plausible.TestResult.success h).or x = Plausible.TestResult.success (Plausible.TestResult.combine (PSum.inr ⋯) h)
- x.or (Plausible.TestResult.success h) = Plausible.TestResult.success (Plausible.TestResult.combine (PSum.inr ⋯) h)
- (Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp n).or (Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp m) = Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp (n + m)
- (Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp n).or x = Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp n
- x.or (Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp n) = Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp n
If q → p
, then ¬ p → ¬ q
which means that testing p
can allow us
to find counter-examples to q
- Plausible.TestResult.imp h (Plausible.TestResult.failure h2 xs n) p = Plausible.TestResult.failure ⋯ xs n
- Plausible.TestResult.imp h (Plausible.TestResult.success h2) p = Plausible.TestResult.success (Plausible.TestResult.combine p h2)
- Plausible.TestResult.imp h (Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp n) p = Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp n
Test q
by testing p
and proving the equivalence between the two.
- Plausible.TestResult.iff h r = Plausible.TestResult.imp ⋯ r (PSum.inr ⋯)
When we assign a value to a universally quantified variable, we record that value using this function so that our counter-examples can be informative.
- Plausible.TestResult.addInfo x h (Plausible.TestResult.failure h2 xs n) p = Plausible.TestResult.failure ⋯ (x :: xs) n
- Plausible.TestResult.addInfo x h r p = Plausible.TestResult.imp h r p
Add some formatting to the information recorded by addInfo
- (Plausible.TestResult.failure h2 xs n).isFailure = true
- x.isFailure = false
A configuration with all the trace options enabled, useful for debugging.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Plausible.Testable.runProp p = Plausible.Testable.run
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Format the counter-examples found in a test failure.
Increase the number of shrinking steps in a test result.
- Plausible.Testable.addShrinks n (Plausible.TestResult.failure h2 xs n_1) = Plausible.TestResult.failure h2 xs (n_1 + n)
- Plausible.Testable.addShrinks n x = x
Shrink a counter-example x
by using Shrinkable.shrink x
, picking the first
candidate that falsifies a property and recursively shrinking that one.
The process is guaranteed to terminate because shrink x
a proof that all the values it produces are smaller (according to SizeOf
than x
Once a property fails to hold on an example, look for smaller counter-examples to show the user.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Test a universal property by creating a sample of the right type and instantiating the bound variable with it.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Test a universal property about propositions
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Plausible.True.printableProp = { printProp := "True" }
- Plausible.False.printableProp = { printProp := "False" }
Execute cmd
and repeat every time the result is gaveUp
(at most n
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Plausible.retry cmd 0 = pure (Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp 1)
Count the number of times the test procedure gave up.
- Plausible.giveUp x (Plausible.TestResult.success (PSum.inl PUnit.unit)) = Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp x
- Plausible.giveUp x (Plausible.TestResult.success (PSum.inr p_1)) = Plausible.TestResult.success (PSum.inr p_1)
- Plausible.giveUp x (Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp n) = Plausible.TestResult.gaveUp (n + x)
- Plausible.giveUp x (Plausible.TestResult.failure h xs n) = Plausible.TestResult.failure h xs n
Try n
times to find a counter-example for p
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Plausible.Testable.runSuiteAux p cfg x 0 = pure x
Try to find a counter-example of p
- Plausible.Testable.runSuite p cfg = Plausible.Testable.runSuiteAux p cfg (Plausible.TestResult.success (PSum.inl ())) cfg.numInst
Run a test suite for p
in BaseIO
using the global RNG in stdGenRef
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Traverse the syntax of a proposition to find universal quantifiers
quantifiers and add NamedBinder
annotations next to them.
DecorationsOf p
is used as a hint to mk_decorations
to specify
that the goal should be satisfied with a proposition equivalent to p
with added annotations.
In a goal of the shape ⊢ DecorationsOf p
, mk_decoration
the syntax of p
and adds NamedBinder
around universal quantifications
to improve error messages. This tool can be used in the declaration of a
function as follows:
def foo (p : Prop) (p' : Decorations.DecorationsOf p := by mk_decorations) [Testable p'] : ...
is the parameter given by the user, p'
is a definitionally equivalent
proposition where the quantifiers are annotated with NamedBinder
- Plausible.Decorations.tacticMk_decorations = Lean.ParserDescr.node `Plausible.Decorations.tacticMk_decorations 1024 (Lean.ParserDescr.nonReservedSymbol "mk_decorations" false)
Run a test suite for p
and throw an exception if p
does not hold.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Plausible.«command#test_» = Lean.ParserDescr.node `Plausible.«command#test_» 1022 (Lean.ParserDescr.binary `andthen (Lean.ParserDescr.symbol "#test ") (Lean.ParserDescr.cat `term 0))