matching #
This file extends the syntax of match
and let
to permit matching terms of type Q(α)
, just as terms of type Syntax
can be matched with `(<pattern>)
Compare to the builtin match_expr
and let_expr
, ~q()
- is type-safe, and so helps avoid many mistakes in match patterns
- matches by definitional equality, rather than expression equality
- supports compound expressions, not just a single application
See Qq.matcher
for a brief syntax summary.
Matching typeclass instances #
For a more complete example, consider
def isCanonicalAdd {u : Level} {α : Q(Type u)} (inst : Q(Add $α)) (x : Q($α)) :
MetaM <| Option (Q($α) × Q($α)) := do
match x with
| ~q($a + $b) => return some (a, b)
| _ => return none
Here, the ~q($a + $b)
match is specifically matching the addition against the provided inst
instance, as this is what is being used to elaborate the +
If the intent is to match an arbitrary Add α
instance in x
then you must match this with a $inst
def isAdd {u : Level} {α : Q(Type u)} (x : Q($α)) :
MetaM <| Option (Q(Add $α) × Q($α) × Q($α)) := do
match x with
| ~q(@HAdd.hAdd _ _ _ (@instHAdd _ $inst) $a $b) => return some (inst, a, b)
| _ => return none
Matching Expr
s #
By itself, ~q()
can only match against terms of the form Q($α)
To match an Expr
, it must first be converted to Qq with Qq.inferTypeQ
For instance, to match an arbitrary expression for n + 37
where n : Nat
we can write
def isAdd37 (e : Expr) : MetaM (Option Q(Nat)) := do
let ⟨1, ~q(Nat), ~q($n + 37)⟩ ← inferTypeQ e | return none
return some n
This is performing three sequential matches: first that e
is in Sort 1
then that the type of e
is Nat
then finally that e
is of the right form.
This syntax can be used in match
- fvarId : Lean.FVarId
- userName : Lean.Name
- { ty := none, fvarId := fvarId, userName := userName }.fvarTy = q(Lean.Level)
- { ty := some val, fvarId := fvarId, userName := userName }.fvarTy = q(Lean.Expr)
- decl.fvar = Lean.Expr.fvar decl.fvarId
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Qq.Impl.mkIsDefEqType [] = q(Bool)
- Qq.Impl.mkIsDefEqResultVal [] val = q(«$val»)
- Qq.Impl.mkIsDefEqResultVal ({ ty := none, fvarId := fvarId, userName := userName } :: decls) val = Qq.Impl.mkIsDefEqResultVal decls q(«$val».snd)
- Qq.Impl.mkIsDefEqResultVal ({ ty := some val_1, fvarId := fvarId, userName := userName } :: decls) val = Qq.Impl.mkIsDefEqResultVal decls q(«$val».snd)
- Qq.Impl.mkLambda' n fvar ty body = do let __do_lift ← body.abstractM #[fvar] pure (Lean.mkLambda n Lean.BinderInfo.default ty __do_lift)
- Qq.Impl.mkLet' n fvar ty val body = do let __do_lift ← body.abstractM #[fvar] pure (Lean.mkLet n ty val __do_lift)
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Qq.Impl.mkIsDefEq decls pat discr = do let __do_lift ← Qq.Impl.mkIsDefEqCore decls pat discr decls pure (let a := __do_lift; q(Lean.Meta.withNewMCtxDepth «$__do_lift»))
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Qq.Impl.replaceTempExprsByQVars [] x = x
- Qq.Impl.replaceTempExprsByQVars ({ ty := none, fvarId := fvarId, userName := userName } :: decls) x = Qq.Impl.replaceTempExprsByQVars decls x
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- Qq.Impl.mkNAryFunctionType 0 = Lean.Meta.mkFreshTypeMVar
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
s expression matching in MetaM
, up to reducible defeq.
This syntax is valid in match
, let
, and if let
, but not fun
The usage is very similar to the builtin Syntax
-matching that uses `(<pattern>)
As an example, consider matching against a n : Q(ℕ)
, which can be written
- With a
expression,match n with | ~q(Nat.gcd $x $y) => handleGcd x y | ~q($x + $y) => handleAdd x y | _ => throwError "no match"
- With a
expression (if there is a single match)let ~q(Nat.gcd $x $y) := n | throwError "no match" handleGcd x y
- With an
if let
statementif let ~q(Nat.gcd $x $y) := n then handleGcd x y else if let ~q($x + $y) := n then handleAdd x y else throwError "no match"
In addition to the obvious x
and y
in the example above ~q
also inserts into the context a term of type $n =Q Nat.gcd $x $y
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.