

Bernhard Reinke writes:

I think I have a sketch for an example of a magma satisfying 206 but not 1648. I use the translation invariant approach, but for a non-commutative group: let $$ G $$ the free product of three cyclic groups of order 2. If we have the alphabet $$ A = \{a,b,c\} $$ then we can identify $$ G $$ with the reduced words in $$ A $$ that have no subwords of the form $$ aa, bb, cc $$.

Our magma will be defined on G and will satisfy

x ◇ y = x f(x^{-1}y)

where $$ f \colon G \rightarrow \{1, a, b, c\} $$.

Then the RHS of 206 is

(x ◇ (x ◇ y)) ◇ y = (x ◇ (x f(x^{-1}y)) ◇ y = (x f(f(x^{-1} y))) ◇ y = x  f(f(x^{-1} y)) f( (f(f(x^{-1} y))^{-1} x^{-1} y)

Setting $$ z = x^{-1} y $$, we get that 206 is equivalent to $$ f(f(z)) f ( f(f(z))^{-1} z) = 1 $$. Under the assumption that $$f$$ maps to $$\{1, a, b, c\}$$ (so $$ f(z) = f(z)^{-1} $$), this simplifies to

f(f(z)) = f( f(f(z)) z)

I claim the following f satisfies this: we set

f(1) = 1, f(a) = b, f(b) = c, f(c) = a

now, if $$w$$ is a nonempty reduced word not starting in $$a$$, we set $$ f(aw) = a $$, cyclically symmetric for reduced words starting in b and and c. Let us check that this satisfies $$f(f(z)) = f( f(f(z)) z)$$:

It is clear that $$ f(f(1)) = f( f(f(1)) 1) = 1 $$.

We have $$ f(f(a)) = f(b) = c$$, and $$f(f(f(a))a) = f(ca) = c$$.

For $$w$$ is a nonempty reduced word not starting in $$a$$, we have $$ f(f(aw)) = f(a) = b, so f( f(f(aw)) aw) = f(baw) = b$$. The rest follows by symmetry.

I think 1648 translates to $$ f(z)f(f((f(z))^{-1} z)) = 1 $$ this is not satisfied, as $$ f(a) f(f( (f(a))^{-1} a) = b f(f(ba)) = b f(b) = bc \not= 1 $$.

I hope I haven't made any computational mistakes (this is in fact my second try, :sweat_smile: ), would someone like to check whether this makes sense? I don't think I would be able to formalize this in Lean myself.

Implementation notes #

This contains a self-contained development of the free product of three copies of the two-element group, by defining reduced words, a reduction function, and deriving enough API for it. In the end we define our magma of interest directly, so this free product group is not explicitly defined.

The development can easily be generalized to more than three copies if needed, just swap out Fin 3.

@[reducible, inline]
abbrev ThreeC2.W :

Free words over three generators

Instances For

    Reduced words do not have the same element adjacent to each other

    Instances For
      theorem ThreeC2.IsRed_uncons {x : Fin 3} {ys : List (Fin 3)} (h : ThreeC2.IsRed (x :: ys)) :
      theorem ThreeC2.IsRed_cons {y x : Fin 3} {ys : List (Fin 3)} (hne : y x) (h : ThreeC2.IsRed (x :: ys)) :
      theorem ThreeC2.IsRed_not_repeated {ys : List (Fin 3)} {x : Fin 3} {xs : List (Fin 3)} :
      ¬ThreeC2.IsRed (ys ++ x :: x :: xs)

      The reduction function, nicely concrete and executable (for by decide later) and somewhat efficient (not that that matters).

      Instances For
        Instances For
          Instances For
            def (motive : (x : ThreeC2.W) → ThreeC2.WThreeC2.IsRed xProp) (case1 : ∀ (ys : ThreeC2.W) (x : ThreeC2.IsRed ys), ThreeC2.IsRed ysmotive ys [] x) (case2 : ∀ (x : Fin 3) (xs : List (Fin 3)) (x_1 : ThreeC2.IsRed []), ThreeC2.IsRed []motive [x] xs motive [] (x :: xs) x_1) (case3 : ∀ (ys : List (Fin 3)) (x : Fin 3) (xs : List (Fin 3)) (h : ThreeC2.IsRed (x :: ys)), ThreeC2.IsRed (x :: ys)motive ys xs motive (x :: ys) (x :: xs) h) (case4 : ∀ (y : Fin 3) (ys : List (Fin 3)) (x : Fin 3) (xs : List (Fin 3)) (h : ThreeC2.IsRed (y :: ys)) (h_1 : ¬x = y), ThreeC2.IsRed (y :: ys)motive (x :: y :: ys) xs motive (y :: ys) (x :: xs) h) (ys xs : ThreeC2.W) (h : ThreeC2.IsRed ys) :
            motive ys xs h
            Instances For
              theorem ThreeC2.red_singleton (x : Fin 3) :
     [x] = [x]
              theorem ThreeC2.red_duoton_succ (x : Fin 3) :
     [x, x + 1] = [x, x + 1]
              theorem ThreeC2.red_duoton_succ_succ (x : Fin 3) :
     [x + 1 + 1, x] = [x + 1 + 1, x]
              theorem ThreeC2.red_eq_of_IsRed.go (ys : List (Fin 3)) (xs : ThreeC2.W) (h : ThreeC2.IsRed (ys.reverse ++ xs)) :
     ys xs = ys.reverse ++ xs
              theorem ThreeC2.red_reduce {ys : List (Fin 3)} {x : Fin 3} {xs : List (Fin 3)} :
     (ys ++ x :: x :: xs) = (ys ++ xs)

              We can reduce anywhere in a term. This is essentially a proof of confluence

              theorem ThreeC2.red_reduce.go {x : Fin 3} {xs : List (Fin 3)} (zs ys : ThreeC2.W) (h : ThreeC2.IsRed zs) :
     zs (ys ++ x :: x :: xs) = zs (ys ++ xs)

              The crucial step towards cancellation.

              theorem ThreeC2.red_append_nil_iff_eq_inv.go (v : ThreeC2.W) (hv : ThreeC2.IsRed v) (ys : List (Fin 3)) (xs : ThreeC2.W) (hxs : ThreeC2.IsRed (ys.reverse ++ xs)) :
     ys (xs ++ v) = []ys.reverse ++ xs = List.reverse v
              theorem ThreeC2.red_append_nil_iff_eq_inv.go2 (ys xs : ThreeC2.W) (hxs : ThreeC2.IsRed xs) :
     ys xs = []ys = xs

              The f function that we use to define the monoid of interest

              Instances For

                The crucial relation of that function

                @[reducible, inline]
                abbrev ThreeC2.M :

                The carrier for our magma: reduced words

                Instances For

                  The magma instance

                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  theorem ThreeC2.Fact :
                  ∃ (G : Type) (x : Magma G), Equation206 G ¬Equation1648 G

                  We use a variant of the above construction to show that 1841 does not imply 203. We use as the underlying magma M × Bool

                  Instances For
                    theorem ThreeC2.g_nil :
                    ThreeC2.g [] = [1]
                    theorem ThreeC2.f_nil_iff (w : ThreeC2.W) :
                    ThreeC2.f w = [] w = []

                    two variants of the main crucial relation

                    @[reducible, inline]
                    Instances For
                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.