The assertion that the law of $X$ is the uniform probability measure on a finite set $H$.
While in applications $H$ will be non-empty finite set, $X$ measurable, and and $μ$ a probability
measure, it could be technically convenient to have a definition that works even without these
hypotheses. (For instance, isUniform
would be well-defined, but false, for infinite H
This should probably be refactored, requiring instead that μ.map X = uniformOn H
Instances For
Uniform distributions exist.
The image of a uniform random variable under an injective map is uniform on the image.
Uniform distributions exist, version giving a measure space
Uniform distributions exist, version with a Finite set rather than a Finset and giving a measure space
A uniform random variable on H almost surely takes values in H.
Uniform random variables only exist for non-empty sets H.
A "unit test" for the definition of uniform distribution.
Another "unit test" for the definition of uniform distribution.
A "unit test" for the definition of uniform distribution.
A "unit test" for the definition of uniform distribution.
$\mathbb{P}(U_H \in H') = \dfrac{|H' \cap H|}{|H|}$
$\mathbb{P}(U_H \in H') = \dfrac{|H' \cap H|}{|H|}$
A copy of a uniform random variable is also uniform.
$\mathbb{P}(U_H \in H') \neq 0$ if $H'$ intersects $H$ and the measure is non-zero.
If $X$ is uniform w.r.t. $\mu$ on $H$, then $X$ is uniform w.r.t. $\mu$ conditioned by $H'$ on $H' \cap H$.