If f
is a family of mutually independent random variables, (S j)ⱼ
are pairwise disjoint
finite index sets, then the tuples formed by f i
for i ∈ S j
are mutually independent,
when seen as a family indexed by J
If f
is a family of mutually independent random variables, (S j)ⱼ
are pairwise disjoint
finite index sets, and φ j
is a function that maps the tuple formed by f i
for i ∈ S j
to a
measurable space γ j
, then the family of random variables formed by φ j (f i)_{i ∈ S j}
indexed by J
is iIndep.
Random variables are always independent of constants.
Composing independent functions with a measurable embedding of conull range gives independent functions.
If a family of functions (i, j) ↦ f i j
is independent, then the family of function tuples
i ↦ (f i j)ⱼ
is independent.
If a family of functions (i, j) ↦ f i j
is independent, then the family of function tuples
i ↦ (f i j)ⱼ
is independent.
TODO: a kernel version of this theorem