

Dual to Problem A1 from Putnam 2001

This implication is Problem A1 from Putnam 2001

theorem Subgraph.Lemma_eq1689_implies_h2 (G : Type u_1) [Magma G] (h : Equation1689 G) (a b c : G) :
a ((((a b) b) c) c) = (a b) b
theorem Subgraph.Lemma_eq1689_implies_h3 (G : Type u_1) [Magma G] (h : Equation1689 G) (a b c d : G) :
(a (b c)) (c ((c d) d)) = b c
theorem Subgraph.Lemma_eq1689_implies_h4 (G : Type u_1) [Magma G] (h : Equation1689 G) (a b c : G) :
a (b ((b c) c)) = (a b) b
theorem Subgraph.Lemma_eq1689_implies_h5 (G : Type u_1) [Magma G] (h : Equation1689 G) (a b c : G) :
((a (b c)) c) c = b c
theorem Subgraph.Lemma_eq1689_implies_h6 (G : Type u_1) [Magma G] (h : Equation1689 G) (a b c d : G) :
(a (b (c d))) (c d) = b (c d)
theorem Subgraph.Lemma_eq1689_implies_h7 (G : Type u_1) [Magma G] (h : Equation1689 G) (a b c : G) :
(a (b c)) (b c) = a (b c)
theorem Subgraph.Lemma_eq1689_implies_h8 (G : Type u_1) [Magma G] (h : Equation1689 G) (a b c : G) :
((a b) ((b c) c)) ((b c) c) = b

The below results for Equation1571 are out of order because early ones are lemmas for later ones

theorem Subgraph.ProveEquation1571Consequence {n : } {G : Type u_1} [Magma G] (eq1571 : Equation1571 G) (law : Law.MagmaLaw (Fin (n + 1))) (eq : equation1571Reducer law.lhs = equation1571Reducer law.rhs) :
G law

This result was first obtained by Kisielewicz in 1997 via computer assistance.

Putnam 1978, problem A4, part (b)

Putnam 1978, problem A4, part (a)

The Bol loop and Moufang loop identities are all weakenings of t

inductive Subgraph.Th :
Instances For