Let Z₁, Z₂, Z₃, Z₄
be independent G
-valued random variables, and let Y
be another
-valued random variable. Set S := Z₁ + Z₂ + Z₃ + Z₄
. Then
d[Y # Z₁ + Z₂ | ⟨Z₁ + Z₃, Sum⟩] - d[Y # Z₁] ≤
(d[Z₁ # Z₂] + 2 * d[Z₁ # Z₃] + d[Z₂ # Z₄]) / 4
+ (d[Z₁ | Z₁ + Z₃ # Z₂ | Z₂ + Z₄] - d[Z₁ | Z₁ + Z₂ # Z₃ | Z₃ + Z₄]) / 4
+ (H[Z₁ + Z₂] - H[Z₃ + Z₄] + H[Z₂] - H[Z₃] + H[Z₂ | Z₂ + Z₄] - H[Z₁ | Z₁ + Z₃]) / 8
Other version of gen_ineq_00
, in which we switch to the complement in the second term.
Other version of gen_ineq_00
, in which we switch to the complement in the first term.
For any $T_1, T_2, T_3$ adding up to $0$, then $k$ is at most $$ \delta + \eta (d[X^0_1;T_1|T_3]-d[X^0_1;X_1]) + \eta (d[X^0_2;T_2|T_3]-d[X^0_2;X_2])$$ where $\delta = I[T₁ : T₂ ; μ] + I[T₂ : T₃ ; μ] + I[T₃ : T₁ ; μ]$.
In fact $k$ is at most $$ \delta + \frac{\eta}{6} \sum_{i=1}^2 \sum_{1 \leq j,l \leq 3; j \neq l} (d[X^0_i;T_j|T_l] - d[X^0_i; X_i]).$$
Rephrase construct_good_improved'
with an explicit probability measure, as we will
apply it to (varying) conditional measures.
$k$ is at most $$ \leq I(U : V \, | \, S) + I(V : W \, | \,S) + I(W : U \, | \, S) + \frac{\eta}{6} \sum_{i=1}^2 \sum_{A,B \in \{U,V,W\}: A \neq B} (d[X^0_i;A|B,S] - d[X^0_i; X_i]).$$
Suppose $0 < \eta < 1/8$. Let $X_1, X_2$ be tau-minimizers. Then $d[X_1;X_2] = 0$. The proof
of this lemma uses copies X₁', X₂'
already in the context. For a version that does not assume
these are given and constructs them instead, use tau_strictly_decreases'
For p.η ≤ 1/8
, there exist τ-minimizers X₁, X₂
at zero Rusza distance. For p.η < 1/8
all minimizers are fine, by tau_strictly_decreases'
. For p.η = 1/8
, we use a limit of
minimizers for η < 1/8
, which exists by compactness.
: For two $G$-valued random variables $X^0_1, X^0_2$, there is some
subgroup $H \leq G$ such that $d[X^0_1;U_H] + d[X^0_2;U_H] \le 10 d[X^0_1;X^0_2]$.
: For two $G$-valued random variables $X^0_1, X^0_2$, there is
some subgroup $H \leq G$ such that $d[X^0_1;U_H] + d[X^0_2;U_H] \le 10 d[X^0_1;X^0_2]$., and
d[X^0_1; U_H] and d[X^0_2; U_H] are at most 5/2 * d[X^0_1;X^0_2]
Auxiliary statement towards the polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa (PFR) conjecture: if $A$ is a subset of an elementary abelian 2-group of doubling constant at most $K$, then there exists a subgroup $H$ such that $A$ can be covered by at most $K^6 |A|^{1/2} / |H|^{1/2}$ cosets of $H$, and $H$ has the same cardinality as $A$ up to a multiplicative factor $K^10$.
The polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa (PFR) conjecture: if $A$ is a subset of an elementary abelian 2-group of doubling constant at most $K$, then $A$ can be covered by at most $2K^{11$} cosets of a subgroup of cardinality at most $|A|$.
Corollary of PFR_conjecture_improv
in which the ambient group is not required to be finite
(but) then $H$ and $c$ are finite.