11 Magma cohomology
Group cohomology is a theory that constructs certain abelian groups \(H^n(G,M)\) to a group \(G\) acting as a module on an abelian group \(M\), via a chain complex
where \(C^n(G,M)\) is the space of functions \(f: G^n \to M\), and the coboundary maps \(d: C^n(G,M) \to C^{n+1}(G,M)\) are explicit maps obeying the relation \(d^2=0\). The cohomology group \(H^2(G,M)\) is of particular relevance in constructing extensions of the group \(G\) by \(M\).
It turns out that part of this formalism can be extended to more general magmas \(G\) that obey a different law than the associative law.
Let \(G\) be a magma obeying some equation \(E\) of the form \(w_{E,1}(x_1,\dots ,x_n) = w_{E,2}(x_1,\dots ,x_n)\). We let \(M = (M,+)\) be an abelian group that also has a linear magma operation
obeying \(E\) for some \(a,b \in \mathrm{End}(M)\) in the endomorphism ring of \(M\). Note that in such a linear magma, any word \(w(s_1,\dots ,s_n)\) takes the form
for some (non-commutative) polynomials \(P_{w,i}(a,b)\) in \(a,b\) with natural number coefficients. For instance,
The law \(E\) is then obeyed when
for \(i=1,\dots ,n\). For instance, the law 1110,
would be obeyed if one has
A solution here would be provided by \((a,b) = (\phi ,-1)\), where \(\phi \) solves the golden ratio equation \(\phi ^2 = \phi + 1\).
We consider extensions of \(G\) by \(M\), which are magmas with carrier \(G \times M\) with an operation of the form
for some function \(f: G \times G \to M\). An easy induction then shows that for any word \(w(x_1,\dots ,w_n)\), one has
where \(w_1 \diamond w_2\) ranges over all subterms of \(w\) that are not single variables, and \(Q_{w,w_1 \diamond w_2}(a,b)\) is a suitable (noncommutative) monomial in \(a,b\). For instance
Assuming Equation 2, we conclude that this extension obeys the law Equation 1 if and only if one has
for all \(x,y \in G\). More generally, an extension obeys a law \(E\) provided that
for all \(x_1,\dots ,x_n \in G\). We call \(f\) a \(E\)-cocycle if this equation holds, and denote the space of such \(E\)-cocycles as \(Z^2_E(G,M)\). This is an abelian group, and each \(E\)-cocycle defines a magma on \(G \times M\) obeying \(E\). For instance, when \(f=0\) we obtain the direct product of the \(G\) and \(M\) magmas.
Given any function \(g: G \to M\), one can define a bijection \((x,s) \mapsto (x,s+g(x))\) on \(G \times M\), which conjugates the law Equation 3 to the law
Being conjugate, this new operation will obey \(E\) if and only if the original operation does. Thus if one defines a coboundary to be a function \(f: G \times G \to M\) of the form \(f(x,y) =g(x \diamond y) - ag(x) - bg(y)\) for some \(g: G \to M\), we can add a coboundary to an \(E\)-cocycle and still obtain a \(E\)-cocycle. So if we let \(B^2(G,M)\) be the space of coboundaries, we see that \(B^2(G,M)\) is a subgroup of \(Z^2_E(G,M)\). We define the \(E\)-cohomology \(H^2_E(G,M)\) to be the quotient
Observe that if \(E\) implies \(E'\), then \(H^2_E(G,M)\) is a subgroup of \(H^2_{E'}(G,M)\). Thus, to refute an implication \(E \implies E'\), it suffices to locate a magma \(G\) and a linear magma \(M\) obeying both \(E\) and \(E'\) such that
This leads to a computational approach to refutations, as these groups can be computed by linear algebra.
For instance, let us consider the law Equation 1 together with a putative consequence, equation 1629:
A simultaneous (linear) model for both Equation 1 and Equation 6 is given by carrier \(G=M={\mathbb F}_5\) with \(x \diamond y = 3x-y\). Then the coboundaries \(f: {\mathbb F}_5 \times {\mathbb F}_5 \to {\mathbb F}_5\) are of the form \(f(x,y) = g(3x-y) - 3g(x) + g(y)\) for \(g: {\mathbb F}_5 \to {\mathbb F}_5\), the \(1110\)-cocycles solve the equation
for \(x,y \in {\mathbb F}_5\), and the \(1629\)-cocycles solve the equation
A function \(g:{\mathbb F}_5 \to {\mathbb F}_5\) has vanishing derivative, \(g(3x-y) - 3g(x) + g(y) = 0\), if and only if \(g\) is linear, which is a one-dimensional space; so, by the rank-nullity theorem, the space \(B^2(G,M)\) of coboundaries is four-dimensional. One can check computationally that the space \(Z^2_{1110}(G,M)\) is six-dimensional, so \(H^2_{1110}(G,M)\) is two-dimensional. One can check numerically that it contains an element not in \(H^2_{1629}(G,M)\), leading to a finite counterexample on the 25-element carrier \(G \times M\) to the implication of 1629 from 1110.
In the case the associative law (and taking \(a=b=1\)), the cocycle law becomes the familiar
and we recover the usual group cohomology (if \(G\) is a group). The same occurs for Tarski’s law 543 \(x = y \diamond (z \diamond (x \diamond (y \diamond z)))\).
One can interpret the above cohomology group in terms of a partial chain complex
where the zeroth coboundary map \(d^0: C^0(G,M) \to C^1(G,M)\) is the zero map, the first coboundary map \(d: C^1(G,M) \to C^2(G,M)\) (which does not depend on the equation \(E\)) is defined by the formula
and the second coboundary map \(d^2_E: C^2(G,M) \to C^n(G,M)\) (which does depend on \(E\)) is defined by the formula
The fact that coboundaries are cocycles can then be rewritten as the chain complex relations \(d^1 d^0=0\), \(d^2_E d^1 = 0\). The group \(H^2_E(G,M)\) is then just the second cohomology group of this chain complex. The first cohomology group \(H^1_E(G,M)\) is the kernel of \(d^1\), or equivalently the abelian group of magma homomorphisms from the magma \(G\) to the linear magma \(M\).
When \(E\) is the associative law, this partial chain complex can be extended to the usual group cohomology chain complex; however, it is not clear if any such extension exists for a general law \(E\).
Suppose that \(G = M = \mathbb {F}_p\) is a field of prime order, and \(a,b\) are coefficients in that field, with the magma operation on \(G\) also given in a linear form \(x \diamond y = a'x + b' y\). Then one can view a cocycle \(f: \mathbb {F}_p \times \mathbb {F}_p \to \mathbb {F}_p\) as a bivariate polynomial of degree at most \(2p-2\) with coefficients in \( \mathbb {F}_p\). The coboundary maps \(d, d_E\) preserve degree, and so one can decompose (or “grade”) the cohomology group \(H^2_E(G,M)\) as \(\bigoplus _{d=0}^{2p-2} H^2_E(G,M)_d\), where \(H^2_E(G,M)_d\) are defined as with \(H^2_E(G,M)\) but with the cocycles and coboundaries required to be homogeneous polynomials of degree at most \(d\). To disprove an implication \(E \implies E'\), it thus suffices to establish a non-inclusion \(H^2_E(G,M)_d \not\subset H^2_{E'}(G,M)_d\) at a single degree \(d\), which may be slightly easier computationally, and also provides for more compactly described counterexamples.