6 Selected magmas
Each magma can be used to establish anti-implications: if \(\Gamma \) is the set of all laws obeyed by a magma \(G\), then we have \(\neg E \leq E'\) whenever \(E \in \Gamma \) and \(E' \not\in \Gamma \). Large numbers of implications can already be obtained from
All magmas of order at most \(4\), up to isomorphism (of which there are \(178,985,294\));
All commutative magmas of order \(5\), up to isomorphism determine their count;
Cyclic groups \(\mathbb {Z}/N\mathbb {Z}\) with \(2 \leq N \leq 12\) and \(x \diamond y = ax^2+bxy+cy^2+dx+ey\) for randomly chosen \(a,b,c,d,e\).
There are only \(1410\) distinct cancellative magmas of order \(5\) (up to isomorphism), and Mace4 can generate all of them in under 20 seconds. A shell script to do this is available here. A magma is cancellative if \(xy=xz\) implies \(y=z\) and \(yx=zx\) implies \(y=z\).
Some other magmas have been used to establish counterexamples:
The cyclic group \(\mathbb {Z}/6\mathbb {Z}\) with the addition law.
The natural numbers with law \(x \diamond y = x+1\).
The natural numbers with law \(x \diamond y = xy+1\).
The reals with \(x \diamond y = (x+y)/2\).
The natural numbers with \(x \diamond y\) equal to \(x\) when \(x=y\) and \(x+1\) otherwise.
The set of strings with \(x \diamond y\) equal to \(y\) when \(x=y\) or when \(x\) ends with \(yyy\), or \(xy\) otherwise (see this Zulip thread).
Vector spaces \({\mathbb F}_2^n\) over \({\mathbb F}_2\), which obey Definition 2.32 (and hence all the subsequent laws mentioned in Theorem 5.6).
Knuth’s construction [ 6 ] of a central groupoid (Definition 2.23) as follows. Let \(S\) be a (finite) set with a distinguished element \(0\), and a binary operation \(*\) such that \(x*0=0\) and \(0*x=x\) for all \(x\), and for each \(x,y\) there is a unique \(z\) with \(x*z=y\). One can then define a central groupoid on \(S \times S\) by defining \((a,b) \diamond (c,d)\) to equal \((b,c)\) if \(c,d \neq 0\); \((b,e)\) if \(b*e=c\) is non-zero and \(d=0\); and \((a*b,0)\) if \(c=0\). One such example in [ 6 ] is when \(S = \{ 0,1,2\} \) with \(1*1=2*1=2\) and \(1*2=2*2=1\).
Cancellative magmas of orders 7 to 9, found by hand-guided search using various solvers.
Two magmas of cardinality \(8\) were constructed by Z3.
A large number of ad-hoc finite magmas were constructed using the Vampire theorem prover. In some cases, inputting theoretical information is useful: see this discussion.
Linear magmas \(x\diamond y = ax+by\) on various fields, such as \({\mathbb F}_p\) for small primes \(p\), have also been used to establish counterexamples. One such choice is \((p,a,b) = (11,1,7)\). See this discussion. For a noncommutative example, see this discussion.
A variation of the translation-invariant magma construction which resolved the Asterix / Obelix anti-implication is used to show that Definition 2.36 does not imply Definition 2.34.