12 Weak central groupoids
In this chapter we study weak central groupoids Definition 2.30,
The first observation is that this law is equivalent to its dual:
Definition 2.30 is equivalent to the dual law
(equation 2162).
It suffices to prove that Equation 1 implies Equation 2. Write \(w = y \diamond z\), then from Equation 1 we can write \(z = z_1 \diamond z_2\) with \(z_1 = z \diamond z\) and \(z_2 = z \diamond (z \diamond z)\), and then by Equation 1
From another application of Equation 1 we have
as required.
Given a weak central groupoid \(G\), define a directed graph with vertices in \(G\) by declaring \(x \to y\) if and only if \(y = x \diamond z\) for some \(z\). There is an equivalent characterization of this graph:
One has \(x \to y\) if and only if \(x = w \diamond y\) for some \(w\).
If \(x \to y\) then \(y = x \diamond z\), then writing \(z = z_1 \diamond z_2\) as before we obtain
giving the forward implication. The backwards implication follows by duality.
Define a good path in \(G\) to be a path of the form
for some \(x,y \in G\) (we allow loops). By the above lemma, this is a path in \(G\). The following claims are clear from definition and the above lemma:
If \(x,y \in G\) then there is exactly one good path \(x \to z \to y\) from \(x\) to \(y\).
Any edge \(x \to y\) in the directed graph is the initial segment of some good path \(x \to y \to z\).
Any edge \(x \to y\) in the directed graph is the final segment of some good path \(w \to x \to y\).
Slightly more non-trivial is
If \(a \to b \to c \to d \to e \to a\) is a 5-cycle in the directed graph, and \(a \to b \to c\) and \(c \to d \to e\) are good paths, then \(b \to c \to d\) is also good.
If \(a \to b \to c\) is good then \(b = a \diamond c\); if \(c \to d \to e\) is good then \(d = c \diamond e\); and if \(e \to a\) then \(a = e \diamond z\) for some \(z\) by definition. By Equation 2 we then have
so \(b \to c \to d\) is good.
Conversely, we have
Let \(G\) be a directed graph, with some paths of length two in the graph designated as “good”, in such a way that Claims 1-4 hold. Then there is a weak central groupoid structure on the vertices of \(G\) such that the good paths are precisely the paths of the form \(x \to x \diamond y \to y\).
Define an operation \(\diamond : G \times G \to G\) by defining \(x \diamond y\) to be the unique vertex \(z\) for which one has a good path \(x \to z \to y\); this is well-defined by Claim 1, and by Claims 2-3, the property \(x \to y\) holds if and only if \(y = x \diamond z\) for some \(z\), and also if and only if \(x = w \diamond y\) for some \(w\). In particular, for all \(x,y,z\), we have a \(5\)-cycle
with \(y \to y \diamond x \to x\) and \(x \to x \diamond (z \diamond y) \to (z \diamond y)\) good, hence by Claim 4 we have Equation 1 as required.
This gives us a graph-theoretical route to construct weak central groupoids. We first introduce a weaker version of Claim 1:
If \(x,y \in G\) then there is at least one good path \(x \to z \to y\) from \(x\) to \(y\).
Let us call a relaxed weak central groupoid a directed graph with some paths of length 2 designated as “good” that obeys Claims 1’, 2, 3, 4.
We also define a partial weak central groupoid to be a directed graph with some paths of length 2 that obeys Claim 4 as well as the following opposite weakening of Claim 1:
If \(x,y \in G\) then there is at most one good path \(x \to z \to y\) from \(x\) to \(y\).
If we can upgrade Claim 1” to Claim 1, and we also have Claim 2 and Claim 3, then we call this a complete weak central groupoid, and by the previous proposition this is in correspondence with Equation 1.
Let \(G_0\) be a relaxed weak central groupoid. A partial extension of \(G_0\) is a partial weak central groupoid \(G\) with a “projection map” \(\pi : G \to G_0\), which is a homomorphism in the sense that the image \(\pi (x) \to \pi (y)\) of any edge \(x \to y\) in \(G\) is an edge in \(G_0\), the image \(\pi (x) \to \pi (y) \to \pi (z)\) of any good path \(x \to y \to z\) in \(G\) is a good path in \(G_0\), and the image \(\pi (x) \to \pi (y) \to \pi (z)\) of any bad path \(x \to y \to z\) in \(G\) is a bad path in \(G_0\). Note that Claim 4 for \(G\) is then automatic from Claim 4 of the base \(G_0\). The extension is complete if the partial weak central groupoid is complete.
We have the following convenient completion property:
Let \(G_0\) be a directed graph obeying claims 1’, 2, 3, 4. Then any finite partial extension of \(G_0\) with carrier \(G_0 \times \mathbb {N}\) (and projection map \(\pi (a,n) = a\)) can be completed to a complete extension.
By the previous comments, we can ignore Claim 4 as it is automatic, and focus on completing the partial weak central groupoid on \(G\) to a complete weak central groupoid by ensuring Claims 1, 2, 3 hold. By the usual greedy algorithm, it suffices to show that any individual failure of Claim 1, 2 or 3 can be resolved by adding some finite number of edges to the graph.
Suppose first that Claim 2 fails, that is to say the partial weak central groupoid contains an edge \((a,n) \to (b,m)\) that is not the initial segment of any good path. Since the base relaxed weak central groupoid \(G_0\) obeys Claim 2, we can find a good path \(a \to b \to c\) in the base. We then pick a natural number \(l\) not previously occurring in the partial weak central groupoid, and adjoin the edge \((b,m) \to (c,l)\) to that partial weak central groupoid. All new paths created in this way are declared good or bad depending on whether their images in \(G_0\) are good or bad, in particular \((a,n) \to (b,m) \to (c,l)\) is good. This can be checked to still be a partial extension of \(G_0\) (no violation of Claim 1” is created), and now Claim 2 is resolved at for the edge \((a,n) \to (b,m)\). A similar argument permits one to resolve any violations of Claim 3.
If Claim 1 is violated, then there is a pair \((a,n), (b,m)\) that currently has no good path of length two in the partial weak central groupoid. As the base relaxed weak central groupoid \(G_0\) obeys Claim 1’, we can find a good path \(a \to c \to b\) in \(G_0\). We then pick a natural number \(l\) not previously occurring, and adjoin the edges \((a,n) \to (c,l) \to (b,m)\). All new paths created in this way are declared good or bad depending on whether their images in \(G_0\) are good or bad, in particular \((a,n) \to (c,l) \to (b,m) \to (c,l)\). One can check that this is still a partial extension of \(G_0\) (no violation of Claim 1” is created), and now Claim 1 is resolved at the pair \((a,n), (b,m)\).
Definition 2.30 does not imply any of the following laws:
Equation 3457: \(x \diamond x = x \diamond ((x \diamond x) \diamond y)\).
Equation 2087: \(x = ((y \diamond x) \diamond x) \diamond (x \diamond x)\).
Equation 2124: \(x = ((y \diamond y) \diamond x) \diamond (x \diamond x)\).
Equation 3511: \(x \diamond y = x \diamond ((x \diamond y) \diamond x)\).
Computer check reveals that the carrier \(G_0=\{ 0,1,2,3 ,4\} \) with incidence matrix
is a relaxed weak central groupoid if we declare the paths \(0 \to 0 \to 0\), \(0 \to 0 \to 1\), \(0 \to 1 \to 1\), \(1 \to 0 \to 0\), \(1 \to 1 \to 0\), \(1 \to 1 \to 1\) to be bad, and all other paths in the directed graph to be good. We can also check the following axioms:
Anti-3457: There exist \(x,y,z,w\) with \(x \to z \to x\), \(z \to w \to y\) both good, and \(x \to z \to w\) bad. (One can take \(x=1\), \(y=4\), \(z = 0\), \(w = 0\).)
Anti-2087: There exist \(x,y,z,w,u\) with \(y \to z \to x\), \(z \to w \to x\), and \(x \to u \to x\) good, and \(w \to x \to u\) is bad. (One can take \(x=1, y=2\), \(z=4\), \(w=1\), \(u=0\).)
Anti-2124: There exists \(x,y,z,w,u\) with \(y \to z \to y\), \(z \to w \to x\) and \(x \to u \to x\) good, and \(w \to x \to u\) bad. (One can take \(x=1\), \(y=2\), \(z=4\), \(w = 1\), \(u=0\).)
Anti-3511: There exists \(x,y,z,w\) with \(x \to z \to y\) and \(z \to w \to x\) good, and \(x \to z \to w\) bad. (One can take \(x=1\), \(y=3\), \(z = 1\), \(w=0\).)
Let \(G_*\) be a finite partial extension of \(G_0\) to be chosen later. By Proposition 12.5, we can complete this to a complete weak central groupoid \(G\) with carrier \(G_0 \times \mathbb {N}\). Depending on how we choose \(G_*\), we can ensure that this \(G\) refutes one of the four laws 3457, 2087, 2124, 3511:
Refuting 3457: Let \(x,y,z,w\) be as in the claim Anti-3457, then select \(G_*\) to be the directed graph with edges \((x,0) \to (z,2) \to (x,0) \to (z,2) \to (w,3) \to (y,1)\). One can check that this is a partial extension, and that \(G\) will refute 3457 with \(x,y\) replaced by \((x,0),(y,1)\).
Refuting 2087: Let \(x,y,z,w,u\) be as in the claim Anti-2087, then select \(G_*\) to be the directed graph with edges \((y,1) \to (z,2) \to (x,0)\) and \((z,2) \to (w,3) \to (x,0) \to (u,4) \to (x,0)\). One can check that this is a partial extension, and that \(G\) will refute 2087 with \(x,y\) replaced by \((x,0),(y,1)\).
Refuting 2124: Let \(x,y,z,w,u\) be as in the claim Anti-2124, then select \(G_*\) to be the directed graph with edges \((y,1) \to (z,2) \to (y,1)\) and \((z,2) \to (w,3) \to (x,0) \to (u,4) \to (x,0)\). One can check that this is a partial extension, and that \(G\) will refute 2124 with \(x,y\) replaced by \((x,0),(y,1)\).
Refuting 3511: Let \(x,y,z,w\) be as in the claim Anti-3511, then select \(G_*\) to be the directed graph with edges \((x,0) \to (z,2) \to (y,1)\) and \((z,2) \to (w,3) \to (x,0)\). One can check that this is a partial extension, and that \(G\) will refute 3511 with \(x,y\) replaced by \((x,0),(y,1)\).
12.1 Twisting a weak central groupoid
Occasionally, an equational law is preserved under a “twist” operation in which one replaces the magma operation \(x \diamond y\) by \(x \diamond ' y := Tx \diamond Uy\) for some automorphisms \(T,U\) of the magma \(G\) that obey additional relations. In the case of the weak central groupoid law Equation 1, we see that
so if \(T\) is an automorphism of order \(5\) and \(U = T^{-1}\) (so that \(T^2 = U^3\)), we conclude that this twisted magma is also a weak central groupoid. This can be used to generate further counterexamples. For instance, let \(M_2\) be the order two weak central groupoid with carrier \({\mathbb F}_2\) and with the NAND operation \(x \diamond y := 1 - xy\); this can easily be verified to be a weak central groupoid. It does not have any nontrivial automorphisms, but its fifth power \(M_2^{\otimes 5}\) has a cyclic shift \(T\) of order \(5\): \(T( (x_i)_{i\in \mathbb {Z}/5\mathbb {Z}} ) = (x_{i+1})_{i \in \mathbb {Z}/5\mathbb {Z}}\). If we twist \(M_2^{\otimes 5}\) by \(T\) and \(T^{-1}\), we obtain a weak central groupoid \(M\) with carrier \({\mathbb F}_2^5\) and magma operation
In particular, if \(x = (x_i)_{i\in \mathbb {Z}/5\mathbb {Z}}\), then
which by the laws of boolean algebra simplify to
from which one can easily refute equation 151,
Informally, the reason for this is that equation 151 has a different semigroup twist symmetries: \(T^2 = 1, T = U^{-1}\) instead of \(T^5 = 1, T = U^{-1}\).