Let be in the triangle 1. Then the following are equivalent:
is an exponent pair.
for all .
Implemented at exponent_pair.py as: exponent_pairs_to_beta_bounds() beta_bounds_to_exponent_pairs()
Thus exponent pairs are dual to the convex hull of the graph of . But is not known to be convex, so one could have bounds on that do not directly correspond to exponent pairs. We remark that in the case , one only needs to check the case in (ii) above, since the remaining regime then follows from Lemma 4.10 and some algebra. Conversely, if , one only needs to check the region .
If (i) holds, then for any , any unbounded , any , interval , and model phase function , we have from (i) that
From Definition 4.2 we conclude that . Also since lies in 1, we see from 4, 8 that we also have for .
Now suppose that (ii) holds. Let be as in Definition 5.1. By underspill it suffices to show that
for any fixed . We may assume that , since the claim follows from the trivial bound otherwise. We may also assume that is unbounded, since the claim is clear for bounded; this forces to be unbounded as well.
By passing to a subsequence we may assume that for some fixed . By Definition 4.2 we then have
We have , , and , so these cases follow from Propositions 5.10, 5.8, 5.9. Finally, is a convex combination of and , and is a convex combination of and , so these cases follow from Corollary 5.4.
5.12Exponent pairs on the line of symmetry
Lemma 1.1
The following are exponent pairs:
Recorded in literature.py as: add_literature_exponent_pairs()
For the pair , apply Theorem 5.19 with the pair from Theorem 5.12 to conclude that
for all , from which the claim follows from Lemma 5.3 (and Lemma 4.10). The remaining pairs come from Lemma 5.3 and the remaining components of Theorem 4.26.
Theorem 1.3
Let be the convex hull , , and of for , where , for is defined by Theorem 5.20, for , for (with defined by Theorem 5.17), and for . Then all elements of are exponent pairs.
Indeed, as of
the set represented all known exponent pairs, until Theorem 5.22 below.
Clear from Corollary 5.4, Proposition 5.5, 5.20, and Theorem 5.17.
The following new exponent pairs were derived using this database:
Using the bounds on collected in Table 5.22, one may verify (after a tedious calculation) that for each of the claimed exponent pairs in the lemma statement, one has for . The result then follows from Lemma 4.10 and Lemma 5.3.